Auteur | Message |
Xavioo Chevalier Mage (niveau 4)
Messages postés : 466 Date d'inscription : 24/12/2011
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Mar 26 Juin 2012 - 17:11 | |
| Je fais juste prévenir que j'ai pas internet pendant un moment donc je peux pas jouer à Minecraft ^^ Et si vous avez besoin d'aide en redstone, demandez moi. |
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Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Mar 26 Juin 2012 - 22:45 | |
| economie /buy [name] (amount/"max") Description: Buys the selected item(s).If no amount parameter is given, 1 of the chosen item is bought.If "max" is given as the amount parameter, it buys as many of an item as your inventory can hold. Permission: hyperconomy.buyAliases: /by /hb (amount/"max") Description: Buys an amount of the item you're holding.If no amount parameter is given, 1 of the chosen item is bought.If "max" is given as the amount parameter, it buys as many of an item as your inventory can hold. Permission: hyperconomy.buyAliases: /heldbuy /buyid [amount] [id] (damage value) Description: Buys an amount of an item with the chosen id and damage value.This command is useful if you don't know the item name. Permission: hyperconomy.buyAliases: /bd /ebuy [name] Description: Purchases the chosen enchantment and applies it, if possible, to the item that you're holding. Permission: hyperconomy.buyAliases: /eb /buyxp (amount) Description: Buys the specified amount of experience points. Permission: hyperconomy.xpaliases: /bxp /sell [name] (amount/"max") Description: Sells items.If no amount parameter is specified, it sells one of the specified item.Otherwise, it sells the specified amount.If "max" is given it will sell all of the specified item from your inventory.For instance, "/sell lapisblock max" would sell every lapis block in your inventory. Permission: hyperconomy.sellAliases: /sl /hs (amount/"max") Description: Sells the given amount of the item you're holding.This command will prioritize the item/item stack that is in your hand over other items, selling it first.If "max" is given as the parameter it will sell all of the item that you're holding. Permission: hyperconomy.sellAliases: /heldsell /sellall Description: Sells all of the items in your inventory.Be careful with this.This command will sell every item in your inventory (except enchanted items or items that are not available in the current shop, et cetera.) Permission: hyperconomy.sellall /esell [name/"max"] Description: Sells the chosen enchantment from the item that you're holding.If "max" is given as the parameter it will sell all of the enchantments on the item that you're holding. Permission: hyperconomy.sellAliases: /es /sellxp (amount/'max') Description: Sells the specified number of experience points.If you specify 'max' as the amount it will sell all of your experience points. Permission: hyperconomy.xpaliases: /sxp /value [name] (amount) Description: Gets information about an item's value.The value given is purely theoretical, and does not take into account item durability.If no amount parameter is specified it gives the value for one of the chosen item. Permission: hyperconomy.valueAliases: /vl /hv (amount) Description: Gets information about the value of the item you're holding.It displays the cost to sell the specified amount, the cost to buy it, and the amount of the item that the global shop currently has available. Permission: hyperconomy.valueAliases: /heldvalue /evalue {enchantment name} {"b"/"s"/"a"} Description: If no parameters are given this command will get the cost to buy the enchantments on the item you're holding, the value to sell them, and the amount of that enchantment that the global shop currently has.If an enchantment name is given you will also have to pick whether you want to see purchase, sell, or amount information about the selected enchantment.b = buy, s = sell, a = amount.So for instance, "/evalue protection3 s" will show you the sell value for protection3 on every enchantment class (stone, iron, diamond, chainmail, etc.) Permission: hyperconomy.valueAliases: /ev /iteminfo (id) (damage value) Description: Displays information about the item you're holding if no parameter is given.If an id or an id and damage value combination is given it will return the item name for that id or id/damage value pair.This is an easy way to get the item name for any item if you don't already know it. Permission: hyperconomy.infoAliases: /ii /topitems (page) Description: Lists the items in the global shop with the most stock.If no page parameter is given it defaults to page 1."/topitems 2" would go to the second page and so on.If you are in a shop, only items in that shop will be displayed. Permission: hyperconomy.topAliases: /ti /topenchants (page) Description: The same as the /topitems command except for enchantments. Permission: hyperconomy.topAliases: /te /browseshop [Search String] (page) Description: Displays items in the global shop.If you're in a shop it will only display items available in that shop.It sorts items in alphabetical order and puts them into multiple pages if there are too many to fit on one page.It also displays the stock and purchase price for the item/enchantment. Permission: hyperconomy.topaliases: /bs /xpinfo Description: Displays information about experience. Permission: hyperconomy.infoaliases: /xpi /hc Description: Displays command help for HyperConomy. Permission: hyperconomy.use
Item Management Commands
/itemsettings (id) (damage value) Description: Displays the current shop settings for the item you're holding, or the selected item if parameters are given.Settings include item stock, value, median, et cetera. Permission: hyperconomy.settingsAliases: [is] /enchantsettings [enchantment] Description: The same as /itemsettings except for enchantments.The only difference is that the enchantment name must be given. Permission: hyperconomy.settingsAliases: /ens, /eset /setvalue [item/enchantment name] [value] ("e") Description: Sets the value of an item or enchantment.If you're setting the value of an enchantment you must specify "e" as the last parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /svalue /setstock [item/enchantment name] [stock] ("e") Description: Sets the shop's stock of an item or enchantment.If you're setting the stock of an enchantment you must specify "e" as the last parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sstock, /stock /setmedian [item/enchantment name] [median] ("e") Description: Sets an item or enchantment's median stock quantity.If you're setting the median of an enchantment you must specify "e" as the last parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /smedian, /median /setstatic [item/enchantment name] ("e") Description: Toggles whether or not an item or an enchantment will use a static price.If you're changing the status of an enchantment you must specify "e" as the last parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sstatic, /static /setinitiation [item/enchantment name] ("e") Description: Toggles whether or not an item or an enchantment will use an initiation price.If you're toggling an enchantment, you must specify "e" as the final parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sinitial, /initial /setstaticprice [item/enchantment name] [static price] ("e") Description: Sets the static price for an item or enchantment.If you're setting the static price for an enchantment, you must specify "e" as the final parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /staticprice /setstartprice [item/enchantment name] [start price] ("e") Description: Sets the initial price for an item or enchantment.If you're setting the start price for an enchantment, you must specify "e" as the final parameter. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /startprice /setstockmedianall Description: Sets the stock of everything in the shop to its median value.Be careful with this, as it will stock the shop with items such as bedrock and spawn eggs.Make sure to customize your shop after using this. Permission: hyperconomy.setstockmedianall /scalebypercent [Setting] [Percent] Description: Scales the selected setting by the given percentage for all items and enchantments.Setting choices are: value, median, stock, startprice, or staticprice.For examble: "/scalebypercent median 50" will set all medians to 50 percent of their original value.(Sets the median to half of its current value.If the percent was 200, all medians for all items and enchantments would be doubled. Permission: hyperconomy.scalebypercent
Enchantment Class Management Commands
/setclassvalue [item class] [value] Description: Sets the enchantment class value for the chosen item class. (stone, wood, diamond, etc.) Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /scvalue /classvalues Description: Displays enchantment class values. Permission: hyperconomy.admin.Aliases: /cvalues, /cv
Tax Management Commands
/taxsettings Description: Displays the current tax values. Permission: hyperconomy.settingsAliases: /tsettings, /ts /settax [percent] Description: Sets the sales tax for normal purchases. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /stax /setinitialtax [percent] Description: Sets the initial tax. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sitax /setstatictax [percent] Description: Sets the static tax. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sstax /setenchanttax [percent] Description: Sets the enchantment tax. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sntax /setsalestax description: Sets the sales tax. permission: hyperconomy.admin
Shop Management Commands
/setshop ["p1"/"p2"] [shop name] Description: Sets the shop location.p1 specifies the first corner of the cuboid region, p2 the second.The shop name can have multiple words and allows spaces.For example "/setshop p2 this shop's name is going to be a pain to type" creates a new shop if it doesn't already exist and sets p2 to be the location where you're standing.The shop will be named, "this shop's name is going to be a pain to type". Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /ss /listshops Description: Lists all shop names. Permission: hyperconomy.list /removeshop [shop name] Description: Deletes the specified shop. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /rs /renameshop [shop name] Description: Renames the specified shop.To use this command you have to type /renameshop [name of shop to be renamed] and then type /renameshop [new name for selected shop] Permission: hyperconomy.admin /setmessage ["1"/"2"] [message] [shop] Description: Sets the selected shop message. (Either message 1 or message 2.)The [message] must be typed without spaces.Substitute "%s" for space.Color codes are supported &a, &9, etc.To place the shop name in the message use "%n". Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sm /additem ["name"/"all"] [shop] Description: Adds an item or enchantment to the shop.If the item name specified is "all", it will add every item and enchantment in the items.yml and enchants.yml file to the shop. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /ai /removeitem ["name"/"all"] [shop] Description: Removes the specified item or enchantment from the shop.If the item name specified is "all", it will remove every item and enchantment in the items.yml and enchants.yml file from the shop. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /ri
Plugin Management Commands
/intervals Description: Displays secondary thread repeat intervals and information about the log buffer. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /ints /setinterval ["shop"/"log"/"save"] [interval (in ticks)] Description: Sets the interval at which shops check for players and other intervals.The "shop" interval is how often (in ticks) HyperConomy checks if a player is in a shop.If you want it to be faster you can lower the number, but it might increase CPU usage.The log interval is how quickly HyperConomy writes transaction log entries to the log.yml file from the log buffer.The "save" interval is how often HyperConomy saves the yml files to disk.Saving the ymls to disk takes a long time and it will cause server lag if you lower this too much.I'd recommend running it no more often than every 30 seconds. Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /sint /writeitems ["row"/"column"] ("e") Description: Creates a list of all item names or enchantment names in the plugin's folder.If "row" is specified it will write the names in a row (this isgood for manually editing the available items in a shop in the shops.yml file), and if "column" is specified it will write the names in a column.(This is good for forums and such.) Permission: hyperconomy.admin /lockshop Description: Locks down the shop and all commands except for /lockshop and /reloadfiles.This is a toggle.The lock must be active to use /reloadfilesWhile active shop detection will be shut down, the log buffer will empty, and the yml files will not be altered.If one of your yml files is bad, having an error, the shop will automatically be locked down on server start.You will know this is the case if typing /lockshop results in a message saying "You must fix your bad yml file first!". Permission: hyperconomy.adminAliases: /ls /reloadfiles Description: Reloads all yml files.(Making active and saving any changes that you have made to them while the shop lock was active.This is an easy way to change any setting without restarting your server.)If you have a mistake/problem in one of you yml files.Typing /reloadfiles should tell you which yml has an error.Unfortunately, not all minor problems will be detected. Permission: hyperconomy.admin /resetshop Description: Resets the shop stock, initiation, and static pricing.I mostly made this command for myself so that I could keep item prices up to date.It will set the stock of all items and enchantments to 0, and it will set initiation to true for all items and enchantments and static pricing to false for all items and enchantments. Permission: hyperconomy.resetshop /setbalance [Account] [Balance] Description: Sets an existing account's balance.(I made this because I wanted an easier way to edit an account's balance.)An example: "/setbalance hyperconomy 1000000"will set the global shop's balance to be 1 million $. This command will work for players too. Permission: hyperconomy.adminaliases: /sb /notify [item/enchantment name or 'all'] Description: This is a toggle.Use the command to turn off notifications for a specific item or enchantment or all items and enchantments. Permission: hyperconomy.adminaliases: /not /renameeconomyaccount [new name] Description: Renames the account used by the global shop. Permission: hyperconomy.admin
Multiple Economy Management Commands
/seteconomy [economy] description: Sets your economy to the specified one. permission: hyperconomy.admin aliases: [se] /setshopeconomy [shop] [economy] description: Sets a shop to use the specified economy. permission: hyperconomy.admin aliases: [sse] /createeconomy [name] description: Creates a new economy. permission: hyperconomy.admin aliases: [cre] /deleteeconomy [economy] description: Deletes an economy. permission: hyperconomy.admin /listeconomies description: Lists all economies. permission: hyperconomy.admin aliases: [lec] /economyinfo description: Tells you what economy you are a part of. permission: hyperconomy.use aliases: [ei] |
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Leicsirg Ninja (niveau 1)
Messages postés : 156 Date d'inscription : 10/06/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 1 Juil 2012 - 19:11 | |
| Hem escusez moi...
Le serveur acceuille il encore? et à combien de places se limite il précisément?
Car aimant minecraft je suis intéréssé par le serveur |
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Jin Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 8557 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 1 Juil 2012 - 19:35 | |
| Envoie un MP à Noel Vermillon, et il te filera l'adresse du server =) Pour le nombre de place, c'est limité à 20.
Mais je n'ai encore jamais vu 10 personnes connecté en même temps ^^ |
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Zexion Administrateur
Messages postés : 6228 Date d'inscription : 04/01/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 1 Juil 2012 - 19:50 | |
| Non, envoie moi un MP à moi pour l'instant, car Noel Vermillon a des soucis de connexion à internet en ce moment. Mets ton pseudo Minecraft dans le MP que je puisse te white-lister. Je t'enverrai aussi l'IP dans la réponse. |
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Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 2 Juil 2012 - 14:24 | |
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Elekami Fondateur
Messages postés : 19071 Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 2 Juil 2012 - 14:58 | |
| Pour de nouvelles aventures ? |
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Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 2 Juil 2012 - 15:01 | |
| tu me prend pour pokémon toi?
Oui des aventures avec pleins de bon trucs marrant.
Au passage je tiens a vous signaler que le serve est excellent bravo a JInouilles pour les rails, a section pour le panda et au autres pour la colonie. Bravo a vous vous pouvez être fier.
PS: envoyer vos screen, dans le topic prévu a cet effet ce serai cool de voir vos pack de texture en même temps. |
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Jin Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 8557 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 2 Juil 2012 - 16:07 | |
| Le panda de Zexion, et bientot mon mouton ^^ |
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Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 8 Juil 2012 - 13:08 | |
| la 1.3 au 1 aout avec pleins pleins de bon truc go sur miecraft.fr pour lire ce qui sera fait dessus. J'ai hate de l'avoir ^^ |
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Xavioo Chevalier Mage (niveau 4)
Messages postés : 466 Date d'inscription : 24/12/2011 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 8 Juil 2012 - 19:53 | |
| J'ai hâte aux Tripswhires! |
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seby Chevalier (niveau 3)
Messages postés : 95 Date d'inscription : 06/05/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 8 Juil 2012 - 23:38 | |
| J'ai une idée, quelqu'un pourrait créer un topic avec les différentes construction ville par ville, et ainsi indiqué l'emplacement des différents bâtiments ? Car j'entend parler d'arène, de restaurant et autres mais même moi qui certes n'est pas tout les soires connecter ben je me perd un peut car il y a tellement de construction en même temps :p Vous en pensez quoi ? Sinon, je tient à dire que le serveur est vachement bien !! |
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Jin Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 8557 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 9 Juil 2012 - 18:40 | |
| Quand des nouveaux se radine sur le server, il serai bien de leur dire que les ressources ne sont pas "libre"
Avec mon frère on s'est retrouvé avec des ressources moins, et pas les plus simple à retrouver.
C'est déjà casse couille de trouver de bon minerai, si en plus on vient nous les volers ca va pas le faire.
Faut DEMANDER avant de prendre.
Oui j’accuse les nouveaux car je vois mal les habitués piocher dans les coffres sans autorisation. |
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Zexion Administrateur
Messages postés : 6228 Date d'inscription : 04/01/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Lun 9 Juil 2012 - 18:43 | |
| Je vais poser des anti-griefs. |
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Jin Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 8557 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Mar 10 Juil 2012 - 13:17 | |
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Elekami Fondateur
Messages postés : 19071 Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 11:35 | |
| Quoi de neuf sur le serveur ? |
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lidenvice Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 1955 Date d'inscription : 18/10/2011 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 11:54 | |
| y a plus un chat dessus lol A chaque fois que j'y vais je vois presque jamais personne. |
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Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 11:57 | |
| JE peut plus me connecter car j'ai plus de pc T.T
C'est pas une raison pour deserté >< |
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Elekami Fondateur
Messages postés : 19071 Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 12:10 | |
| Oui depuis deux semaines c'est le calme plat dessus, fait chier, revenez les gens ... |
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Teraglehn Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 3628 Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 12:25 | |
| J'ai autre chose a faire désolé. |
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Zexion Administrateur
Messages postés : 6228 Date d'inscription : 04/01/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:19 | |
| On devrait organiser des "soirées Minecraft" longtemps à l'avance, pour avoir beaucoup de monde en même temps et pas se faire chier. |
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Elekami Fondateur
Messages postés : 19071 Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:29 | |
| OK, ce soir soirée Minecraft les gens. |
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Zexion Administrateur
Messages postés : 6228 Date d'inscription : 04/01/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:32 | |
| J'essaierai de me connecter ce soir, donc si quelqu'un viens il sera pas seul. \o/ |
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Elekami Fondateur
Messages postés : 19071 Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:33 | |
| On sera au moins deux, je ferai le tour du propriétaire, ça fait une semaine et demi que je suis pas venu moi du coup. |
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Choco-sama Ancien staffeux
Messages postés : 3012 Date d'inscription : 19/10/2009 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:34 | |
| Moi, depuis que j'ai fail mon mdp, j'ai pas refait surface! |
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Zexion Administrateur
Messages postés : 6228 Date d'inscription : 04/01/2012 Jauge LPC :
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 14:35 | |
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Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: Minecraft | |
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